How to add a discount to Storefront 365 using Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
For Partners
The administrator of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and in Dynamics 365 for Retail creates a discount in Retail Module. The discount is available in Storefront 365 starter site once the distribution jobs of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has sent the discount to the channel. The discount is applied when the visitor updates the shopping cart in the webshop or when an item is added to the cart. The Dynamics Retail Server manages all price calculations. A discount is a simple discount that affects one or more articles with no efforts required by the visitor more than adding any of them to the cart. A discount is a price adjustment for one or more products during a specified period.
Create the discount
In the Retail component, open the Discount form and click the New-button in the toolbar of the form. In the Discount form, add the information needed for the discount. Detailed information about the fields in the form is available in the online help of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations if this guide isn’t detailed enough for your needs.
Assign the discount to a retail channel
The discount is assigned to a retail channel with the price group setting. If the discount is assigned the same price group as any of the price groups assigned to a channel, the discount will be available in those channels when published. Select the discount in the discount list, and click the Price group button in the toolbar of the discount form. Assign the discount to one or more price groups depending on the administration of your setup. The price group form will display all channels, catalogs, affiliations and loyalty programs that the discount will be available in, depending on the price groups assigned to the discount.
Creating a discount with a discount code will apply the discount even though the user does not enter any discount code in the checkout page if the combination of candidates of discounts is valid. To ensure that the discount only is used when the code is entered – check the checkbox “Discount code required”.
Publish the discount
When a discount has been created and shall be published to Avensia Storefront, perform the following steps.
Set the discount in status Enabled if it is not already.
Execute the job 1020 to publish the discounts to the channel database. The discounts are published to the channel databases of the retail channels included in the data groups specified. Execute the distribution schedule job 1100 to publish the product and price parameters. The discounts are published to the channel databases of the retail channels included in the data groups specified. The discounts will be available in Storefront 365 instantly when the download packages created by the job has been applied. Check the download status in the Commerce Data Exchange section of Inquiries in the Retail module to see when the discount is available in Episerver.
Note that Microsoft Dynamics Retail Server caches information, which means that there might be a delay before the discount is available event though synchronized with the channel database.