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Running import as a PMC extension

To increase performance, it is possible to run the PMC import pipeline inside PMC.

Building the extension

To run an import pipeline as a scheduled extension inside PMC, an extension that inherits from the ScheduledExtensionBase in Avensia.Storefront.Connector.InriverPmc.Import.Extensions needs to be built. In the Execute-method for that extension, these steps should be performed:

  • A StructureMap Container should be created, where the current inRiverContext is registered
  • A StorefrontRunner should be initialized with the Container and the Bootstrapper containing the pipeline setup
  • The Run method in the base extension class should be called with the Container as input parameter

The pipeline setup, with Entity Definition Models etc, is done in the same way as described in Setting up inRiver PMC import. One difference though is that the Configuration section is not needed, since connection settings for inRiver remoting is not applicable.

An example of the above setup is included in the Starter package in the project Avensia.Storefront.PmcImportExtension 

Setting up a Staging API endpoint

To make it possible for the PMC extension to read data from the Avensia Storefront Staging database, an API endpoint needs to be setup.

This is done by setting up a Web Api project and add a reference to Avensia.Storefront.Connector.StagingApi. The project needs to use StructureMap for dependency injection, and a Bootstrapper needs to be created to initialize the StructureMap container with needed Storefront registrations.

In addition, the StructureMapFilterProvider defined in Avensia.Storefront.Connector.StagingApi needs to be registered as a IFilterProvider.

An example of the above setup is included in the Starter package in the project Avensia.Storefront.StagingApi 

Upload and configure the extension

Create a zip file with the binaries from your extension build, and upload the zip file to your PMC package in PMC Control Center under Connect / Packages. Add a new Scheduled Extension under Connect / Extensions and select your extension from the dll in the zip package. After creating the new extension, click on Get Default Settings to populate settings. Update the following values:

Setting name Description
StagingApiEndpoint The http-address to your staging endpoint - example: http://my_site/avensiastorefront/staging
StagingApiUsername Username for api authorization
StagingApiPassword Password for api authorization
PeriodicityInMinutes How often to run the pipeline
StorefrontConfiguration XML-string that contains the storefront configuration needed to run the pipeline (same structure as in the storefront.config file)
StorefrontLicense File content of your valid storefront license to run in this PMC environment